


Since 2014, ODEE has captured significant attention from both national and international media through his innovative and provocative artworks, exhibitions, and projects. His conceptual and performative pieces, particularly those involving culture jamming, have brought contemporary art into the spotlight, engaging a broader audience than ever before. These works have not only sparked public discourse among art enthusiasts but have also forced many who typically have little interest in art to engage in conversations about its meaning and relevance. Notably, some of ODEE’s artworks have reached up to 1 billion viewers, with features on the front page of CNN. Over the course of his career, he has garnered coverage in hundreds of news and media periodicals, reflecting the far-reaching influence and dialogue his art has generated in the global art community, and sparking a renewed interest in fine art.

Below, you will find a selection of media periodicals, both in Icelandic and English.



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This section will be updated soon…

Viðtöl/Umfjöllun (Icelandic)

  • Töffarinn og listamaðurinn ODEE – Hús og híbýli nr 340, 1. TBL. 2016
  • Vinnustofuheimsókn – Man Magasín, 7. maí 2015
  • Oddur álbóndi gerir garðinn frægan – Fjarðaálsfréttir, 3. nóvember 2014
  • Lesa má ákveðna pólitík eða ádeilu úr hverju verki – Austurglugginn, 16. maí 2014.


Media / Periodicals (english)

  • Artist Odee and his Exploits – Wow Magazine, February 27th 2015